macos – Difference in between ‘mdutil -i off ‘and ‘mdutil -d ‘

From the fellow web page:

 -i (on|off) Flip indexing on or off.
- d Disable Highlight process for quantity (re-enable using -i on).

If I perform mdutil -i off -vvv on a quantity:

/ Device/Volumes/Knowledge/ Volumes/RamDisk:
2023-04-10 20:25:46.732 mdutil[29838:28666786] mdutil disabling Highlight:/ Device/Volumes/Knowledge/ Volumes/RamDisk -> > kMDConfigSearchLevelFSSearchOnly
Indexing handicapped.

If I perform mdutil -d -vvv on a quantity:

/ Device/Volumes/Knowledge/ Volumes/RamDisk:
2023-04-10 20:25:33.361 mdutil[29809:28666487] mdutil disabling Highlight:/ Device/Volumes/Knowledge/ Volumes/RamDisk -> > kMDConfigSearchLevelOff
Indexing and skimming handicapped.

From my revel in it looks as if each disables Highlight process at the goal quantity. What’s the difference in between those 2 possible choices?

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