Why does Line have front however Priority-queue has leading in stl?

Why does the line have front however the top priority line has leading in stl?

The primary distinction in between a line and a top priority line is that a line follows the FIFO ( First-In-First-Out) concept, while a top priority line follows a particular top priority order. To put it simply, the components in a line are processed in the order they were included, whereas the components in a top priority line are processed based upon their top priority.


A line is an information structure that follows the FIFO (First-In-First-Out) concept, which indicates that the very first component that is contributed to the line is the very first component that is gotten rid of. The components in a line are processed in the order they were included, and brand-new components are contributed to the back of the line.

In the STL, the line container is carried out as an adapter on top of other container classes, such as deque or list. The line class supplies a variety of member functions, consisting of the “front” member function, which returns a recommendation to the very first component in the line. This is the component that will be processed next when we call the “pop” member function to eliminate it from the line.

For instance: let’s state we have a line of integers {1, 2, 3}. We can utilize the “front” member function to access the very first component in the line, which is 1:


#include << bits/stdc++. h>>

utilizing namespace sexually transmitted disease;

int primary()


line< myQueue;

myQueue.push( 1 );

myQueue.push( 2 );

myQueue.push( 3 );


firstElement = myQueue.front(); cout << < < firstElement << < < endl;


0;} If we then call the "


" member function to get rid of the very first component from the line, the next component in the line (which is 2) ends up being the very first component, and we can access it utilizing the "front" member function once again: C++ #include << bits/stdc++. h>>



sexually transmitted disease;

int primary()


line< myQueue;

myQueue.push( 1 );

myQueue.push( 2 );

myQueue.push( 3 );



newFirstElement = myQueue.front();

cout << < < newFirstElement << < < endl;



Concern Line A top priority line,

on the other hand, is an information structure that orders components based upon their top priority. The components in a top priority line are processed in order of their top priority, with the highest-priority component processed initially. Brand-new components are contributed to the top priority line based upon their top priority order, and the highest-priority component is constantly at the front of the line.

In the STL, the top priority line container is carried out as an adapter on top of a vector or a deque, and it needs a contrast function to figure out the top priority order of components. The top priority line class supplies a variety of member functions, consisting of the "leading" member function, which returns a recommendation to the component with the greatest top priority in the line. This is the component that will be processed next when we call the "pop" member function to eliminate it from the line.

For instance, let's state we have a top priority line (Max-Heap) of integers {3, 1, 2}. We can utilize the "leading" member function to access the component with the greatest top priority, which is 3: C++

#include << bits/stdc++. h>>

utilizing namespace

sexually transmitted disease;

int primary()


priority_queue< myPriorityQueue;

myPriorityQueue.push( 3 ); myPriorityQueue.push( 1 );

myPriorityQueue.push( 2 );



= myPriorityQueue.top();

cout << < < highestPriorityElement << < < endl; return


If we then call the " pop

" member function to get rid of the highest-priority component from the line, the next component with the greatest top priority (which is 2) ends up being the brand-new leading component, and we can access it utilizing the "leading" member function once again: C++ #include << bits/stdc++. h>>


namespace sexually transmitted disease;


primary() {

priority_queue< myPriorityQueue;

myPriorityQueue.push( 3 );

myPriorityQueue.push( 1 ); myPriorityQueue.push( 2 );



newHighestPriorityElement = myPriorityQueue.top();

cout << < < newHighestPriorityElement << < < endl;

return 0;

} .

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