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5 times
. Situation Description. This side requires to go to a ftp routinely to download the information down. and alter their fields. The procedure is
Presently have actually attempted the action by means of mac app script tools The operation of tape-recording the screen is as follows.
- inform application “Finder”.
open document file “202301081014N1234. REQ” of folder “Downloads” of folder “blue2” of folder “Users” of start-up disk utilizing application file “BBEdit.app” of folder “Applications” of start-up disk.
end inform.
inform application “BBEdit”.
open discover window.
discover “1234” browsing in text 1 of text file id 829 with choosing match.
set characters 406 thru 428 of text file id 829 to “abcd”.
choose insertion point after characters 406 thru 428 of text file id 829.
save text file id 829.
end inform
- Thank you for aid!
- . asked
- 42 minutes back
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