How to Develop a Tower in C

The difficulty

Develop a pyramid-shaped tower, as an array/list of strings, offered a favorable integer variety of floorings A tower block is represented with " *" character.

For instance, a tower with 3 floorings appears like this:

  "  *  ",
  " *** ", 

And a tower with 6 floorings appears like this:

  "     *     ", 
  "    ***    ", 
  "   *****   ", 
  "  *******  ", 
  " ********* ", 

The option in C

Choice 1:

 space build_tower( anonymous n, char tower[n][2 * n - 1]) {
for (anonymous int i = 0; i < < n; i++).
for (anonymous int j = 0; j < < 2 * n - 1; j++).
if (j >>= (n - 1) - i && & & j = n - 1 - i && & & j .

extern space do_test (anonymous n, const char anticipated[i][j]);.

Test( tests_suite, sample_tests) {
do_test( 1, (char[i][j]) {"*"} );.
do_test( 2, (char

) {” * “, “***”} );.
do_test( 3, (char

) {" * "," *** ", "*****"} );.
[n][2 * n - 1]

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